The Ultimate AI-Powered AssistantStudy Techniques: Enhance Your Learning Potential with itWrites

AI Prompts Features

Self-Guided Courses

Choose to work through self-guided courses that cover a wide range of topics. Our algorithms anticipate and analyze your state of learning for best possible results.

Interactive Group Learning

Engage in interactive group learning for enhanced engagement and motivation. Connect with professionals in similar fields and learn more in an enjoyable way.

Track Your Performance

Track your performance and progress with our detailed tracking system. see yourself reach your study goals effectively with our amazing tracking algorithms.


Schedule learning activities according to your convenience. Set reminders, create deadlines and goal reminders - stay on the top of your to-do list.


Make learning fun with an engaging gamification system. Get rewards, badges, leader boards and more for completing tasks and mastering skills.

High Quality Resources

Find the best resources for learning in an extensive library. Connect with experts in your field for resources and guidance that make a difference.

Digitize Your Knowledge

Digitize your knowledge and facts and create searchable databases for easy reference. Extract key terms and facts with natural language processing tools.


Frequently Asked Questions

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What can I do with itWrites?

Does itWrites have a library of resources?

Can I track my performance with itWrites?

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