The Ultimate AI-Powered AssistantGenerate Unbelievable Story Ideas with itWrites

AI Prompts Features

Unlock Creative Potential

Generate infinite story possibilities with itWrits's OpenAI-powered prompts

Time-Saving Power

Generate ideas quickly with our AI-backed system so you can focus on creating

Collaborative Support

Get feedback from peers in our community, so you can craft the perfect story

Customizable Prompts

Create tailored prompts for your story or tweak existing prompts to your needs

Innovative Feedback

Gain valuable insight into your stories with advanced analytics and reports

Advanced Structuring

Organize and refine your stories with structure and flow using story concepts

Convenient Sharing

Share stories easily and quickly so others can help spread your stories


Frequently Asked Questions

What is itWrites?

What is AI-backed story generation?

Who can benefit from using itWrites?

Can I create my own prompts?

What features are available with itWrites?

AI Prompts for:
ChatGPT and OpenAI for Professionals:
Unlock Your Storytelling Superpowers with itWrites!
Start generating amazing stories with itWrites