The Ultimate AI-Powered AssistantDevelop Your Characters with Impeccable Precision

AI Prompts Features

Unlimited Possibilities

Explore the vast possibilities of character development with OpenAI’s advanced neuron network.

Create or Edit Characters

Create custom characters or edit existing ones by refining their thoughts, emotions and personality.

Flawless Writing

Write flawless character arcs by utilizing the AI to relax the mental pressure of writing and editing.

Dynamic Search

Easily search through and find characters to better understand their story arc or to create one.

Cross-referencing Characters

Compare, merge, or cross-reference characters to gain valuable insights and build master stories.

Inventive Archetypes

Create new archetypes and tropes, or explore existing ones to advance the creative process.

Plus Unlock More

Unlock access to more features as you work and create unlimited possibilities with OpenAI.


Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do with itWrites?

What is OpenAI?

How can I benefit from OpenAI?

What kind of stories can I craft?

How do I sign up?

AI Prompts for:
ChatGPT and OpenAI for Professionals:
Unlock Limitless Writing Powers
Sign up now and get the perfect assistant to help you push your work to the next level.